Hinstock Primary School

Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School

School Council

School Council meets every week to discuss how we can improve our school and playtimes. If you have any ideas then please talk to your class representative or put your ideas in our new ideas box in the foyer.

School Council

Led by Mrs Calvert

We have had a very successful year. We have written letters to a school in Antigua and had replies. We had a visit from Miss Handy who has worked at the Antiguan School.

 We have made excellent links with Hinstock Manor Residential Home. We have visited to sing with the residents. We also shared a fabulous silk painting workshop with the residents.

  We are now joining with the Hinstock Herald to design a Children’s Activity page.


Along with all this we support our school with sports activities, looking after the equipment and thinking about the future of our playground.