Religious Education
RE Long Term Plan - 2 Year Cycle, (2022 = Cycle B)
Guidance for Non Christian Units of work:
Foundation Stage:
F4 Being Special Where do we belong?
F5 What places are special and why?
F6 What times/stories are special and why?
Key Stage 1:
Unit 1.6 Who is a Muslim and how do they live?
Unit 7 Who is Jewish and how do they live?
Unit 1.8 What makes some places sacred to believers?
Unit 1.9 How should we care for the world and for others, and why does it matter?
Unit 1.10 What does it mean to belong to a faith community?
Lower Key Stage 2:
Unit L2.7 What do Hindus believe God is like?
Unit L2.8 What doe sit mean to be Hindu in Britain today?
Unit L 2.9 How do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim?
Unit L2.10 How do festivals and family life show what matter to Jewish people?
Unit L2.11 How and why do people mark the significant events of life?
Unit L2.12 How and why do people try to make the world a better place?
Upper Key Stage 2
Unit U2.7 Why do Hindus want to be good?
Unit U2.8 What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?
Unit U2.9 Why is the Torah so important to Jewish people?
Unit U2.10 What matters most to Humanists and Christians?
Unit U2.11 Why do some people believe in God and some people do not?