Hinstock Primary School

Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School

Wrap Around Care Provision

Please note: We cannot presently consider two year olds for wraparound care as we do not have the staff to manage this provision. Nursery children considered will be pre-schoolers with siblings in the first instance due to ratios of adults required.

Currently timings are different to the brochure, this is taken from the latest request form that can be found in letters.

WAC is now open to everyone in school, pre-schoolers will be considered as above. Please pay in advance and book so that the register can be kept up to date for test and trace if needed. 

There will be fines incurred for late pick up as cleaning is essential and staff are only employed for a finite amount of time. Legally if there is no pick up after 15 minutes social services will be contacted and the police informed.

Please book directly for sessions through Parent Pay.

Breakfast Club will cost: £5 per session for 07:30 until 08:45

After School Club will cost: £10 for any stay up until 17:00 and £12 until 17:30, children will need to be picked up by this time.

We have recently had a really lovely comment about this service and I am really pleased that we are starting to fill up our sessions now and the children are enjoying this new facility. A parent has recently said:

'I wanted to let you know how much the children are all loving the after school care and what a fantastic job all the staff are doing. Everyday when I ask what was the best part of their day, they frequently say after school club. The comment on how much fun it is and how each day is different depending upon which staff are present. The only upset we have had was last Saturday when our youngest learnt there was no after school club on during the weekend!

Knowing the children are being cared for by people already known to them and in an environment they are already familiar with has made my transition back to full time work so much easier so thank you all for providing this excellent service.'


