Hinstock Primary School

Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School

PE and Sport Funding

Primary School Sports funding is to improve the provision and quality of PE and sport in schools and to encourage healthy lifestyles in the children of the future. 


Review of Sports Funding 2021/22

Sports Grant:

The funding has once again this year supported the cost of swimming within the school and enables membership of the MDASSP (Market Drayton Area Schools Sports Partnership) which organises competitions across the area and gave us the routes into county wide competitions.

The funding is presently being used to:

1) Buy resources to encourage inclusion in sport for all children across the school. This has led to New Age Kurling, Boccia and sports designed with inclusion in mind for disabled children. David Rushton has trained staff on the use of such resources and how to use them effectively.

2) Train staff in tracking and assessing achievement and progress in PE.

David Rushton has worked on developing programmes to achieve this goal and investment in software support across the school has been agreed.  In addition a Sports Coach has been provided to work with all teachers and classes throughout the school.

3) Develop wider sporting opportunities across the school.

The school uses the funding to provide sports clubs in a variety of changing sports clubs from Reception through to Year 6.  Currently there is a club available on 3 out of 5 afternoons per week. 

Bike club continues to be successful and development of other biking opportunities is being looked into. Balanceability pilots have been successful for Foundation stage in school and the resources will be bought into school for future staff development. Staff training to enable mountain biking to be run both outside an within school has been successful and training has been resourced for Balanceability as well.

With the relaxation of COVID protocols we are bringing back Sports Leaders and will train Y5 children to work alongside Y6 children to achieve this.

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions there have still been limited opportunities to participate in MDSSP events linked to School Games, however we have been able to book participation in both KS1 and KS2 Cross Country so far this term as well as having had success already in an inter-school Netball Competition.

Last year KS1 and KS2 Dodgeball finished 3rd in KS1 and won the KS2 event. 

We also entered the LKS2 Mini Tennis and KS2 rounder competitions in the Summer Term.  


In the last full year of competition the school had an active role in the MDASSP School Games competitions. Highlights included: 


KS2 North Shropshire Tag Rugby 2nd Place

Y5/6 Boys Sporthall Athletics 2nd Place 

KS2 Basketball 2nd Place 

Y 3/4 Novice Gymnastics 3rd Place

Y3/4 Advanced Gymnastics North Shropshire Area CHAMPIONS

Y3/4 Advanced Gymnastics Shropsire Games 2nd Place

KS2 New Age Kurling CHAMPIONS

Y1/2 Dodgeball 2nd Place 

KS2 Dodgeball Joint 3rd Place  

 In the Academic year 2017/2018 100% of children in Year 6 have represented the school in a MSASSP competition.  With 94% of these children competing in 2 or more competitions. 

So far in KS2 99% of children have participated in at least 1 School Games competition. 

