Hinstock Primary School

Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School

Frog Class (Year 4 and Year 5)

We now have confirmation of a positive PCR test for COVID19, please read advice:  

All children will need to isolate until 23:59 on 17.7.21. 



Friday 16th Answers

Maths mystery - /docs/Maths_Pirate_mystery_activity_ANSWERS.docx

Space crossword answers - /docs/Space_crossword_ANSWERS.docx

Friday 16th July – A virtual day at the beach dress up day!

We're on Teams from 9.15am - join us all day or as much as you can please!

Lesson 1 – maths pirate mystery activity 

We’ve completed the following type of activity (attached below) before at the end of other terms! Remember when you have worked out the clue, don’t scribble the whole row off, just the column (for example, if the suspect is female, only cross out male rather than the whole row in case of any mistakes).

Pirate themed to suit our beach day theme! Answers available later if you can’t join us.

If you are with me on Teams, you do not need to print this off.

Maths mystery – pirate activity /docs/Maths_Pirate_mystery_activity.docx

Lesson 2

I really hope you can join us on Teams for a class awards activity! If you can’t, please completed the space crossword attached – a topic we first did in science! What do you remember?

Space crossword/docs/Space_crossword.docx

Lesson 3 

Our last lesson of this academic year! I know you asked last week if we could watch more BBC Supermover maths and English videos on the last day so I intend (hopefully) to play these for some fun, as well as some calm colouring.

I will be messaging (through Dojos) a mindfulness colouring sheet with your names on them for you to colour in during this lesson.




Lesson 1 Activity 1 - Summer holiday coordinates /docs/Lesson_1_coordinates_Summer_holidays_ANSWERS.docx

Lesson 1 Activity 2 - Shark and emoji coordinates /docs/Lesson_1_coordinates_Sharks_and_Face_ANSWERS.docx

Alternative maths activity /docs/Alternative_lesson_1_activity_ANSWERS.docx

Lesson 3 - Summer holiday maths code breaker /docs/Lesson_3_Summer_Holiday_code_breaker_ANSWERS.docx


Thursday 15th July

Good morning Frogs...Mrs Lines here!

My intention is to have some fun (whilst learning) today and tomorrow as it is my last days with you before the Summer holidays!

Just a reminder for anyone who wasn’t on Teams on Monday…we’re going for a Day at the Beach dress up theme on Friday…sun hats, buckets and spades, rubber rings…go for it! 

Lesson 1 – maths – coordinates

This morning, I will be on Teams from 9.15am! If you can, please print the attachments below…it might be quite difficult otherwise as we are focusing on coordinates.

Unless I ask you to, please print just the first activity – labelled summer holiday coordinates. You may wish to do the second activity if you feel really confident after my explanation. 

We have looked at coordinates before but if you can’t join us on Teams and am unsure, please use this link to help you with completing coordinates...


Activity 1 - Summer holiday coordinates /docs/Lesson_1_Maths_coordinates_Summer_holidays.docx

Activity 2 - Sharks and Emojis /docs/Lesson_1_coordinates_Sharks_and_emoji.docx

If you cannot print the sheets above, please complete this alternative activity - emoji code breakers. You may still wish to be on Teams with us to go through the coordinate explanation and for help with this activity. /docs/Alternative_lesson_1_activity.docx 

Lesson 2 – Fun stuff!

OK, I really hope you can join us on Teams for a fun group activity. You do not need to print anything off for this.

If you can’t, please log into Purplemash like you normally do for homework and read the next chapter of our book. Please then answer the questions afterwards.

Lesson 3 – Code breakers, design and discussion!

Activity 1 – Summer holiday code breaker activity – switch your maths minds back on! /docs/Lesson_3_Summer_Holiday_code_breaker.docx

Activity 2 - To end our year, we’re going to do some T-shirt designing! Please find the attached activity sheet for designing a T-shirt to represent our year at school. Really try to think about the year – it’s been a school year like no other! Jot down ideas and then create your design. If you can’t join us on Teams to share your work, please message me a picture through Dojos so I can see it! /docs/Lesson_3_Design_a_T-shirt_for_the_class_of_2021.docx




Wednesday 14th July 2021

Well done yesterday,it was really lovely to see so many of you on teams yesterday afternoon. Thankyou for joining me then, I hope I see you again this afternoon and maybe a few more of you will join???

In answer to a question about the Scandinavian economy yesterday, the slides at the beginning of the lesson describe human geography as the aspects of a country affected by humans and economy means the financial (money) arrangements for each country. The Danish economy is therefore the way the Danes manage their money in the country, it wasn't a specific question but a general comment about what human geography is.

Registration: Check in through teams with Miss Davies-Griffith at 09:15, look out for the invite.

Keep scrolling down the page if you missed any of yesterday's work and need to catch up, you can do it!!

Lesson 1: Literacy continuing from Pigeon Impossible yesterday

Good Morning Frogs from Mr Rushton, it was really nice to see you yesterday on Teams and I've been looking over your reading responces on Forms.  

For today we are going to continue with Pigeon Impossible from yesterday. (I know this will look a little different as I have also included our Word of the Day and Handwriting for you to try first thing. 

 Your Word of the Day is Overseas.

 Today we are focusing on Overseas.

Literacy (Main)  

First of all I would like you to recap on the video of Pigeon Impossible from yesterday. 

Pigeon: Impossible from Mighty Coconut on Vimeo.

 A PowerPoint giving more information about Time Conjunctions (This has been set as though we were in class but it will give you the information needed). 


Pigeon Impossible Time Conjunction Task

 Lesson 2: 

Reading and Interpreting Line Graphs:


Lesson 3

PE: 1:15-2pm Invite onto teams from Mrs Morris, join us in loose clothing for a workout, parents/carers welcome too!!

Lesson 4

The Calendar Project: Use an A3 piece of paper if you can, or do a sketch of first ideas on an A4 piece and we will develop it on Monday when you come in. In school children have been using paints to produce an A3 picture that represents February to them.

You can use an A4 piece and pencils or pens if you have not paints and just sketch some first ideas which you can build up when you return to school OR you can use paints and design your A3 piece to bring back into school on Monday as the finished piece - it is up to you!

3:10pm Teams Meeting with Mrs Williams (Headteacher), Can't wait to see you there. We'll talk about any concerns and how you got on with everything during the day, as well as check that everyone is alright for Thursday with Mrs Lines.

Afternoon Frogs, answers to our Darwin's bark spider activity from Monday - just in case! Thank you! /docs/ANSWERS_Darwins-bark-spider-proofreading-worksheet__1_.pdf

Tuesday the 13th July 2021

Well done Frogs, you tried hard yesterday and it was good to see more of you on Teams with Mrs Lines than on Friday, it's going to be a bit different today but Mrs Lines will be back with you on Thursday. Mrs Bellfield is not up to being on screen presently, but you may see some other familiar faces over the course of today and tomorrow!

Lesson 1: Literacy with Mr Rushton, look out for the teams invite and the links to follow below:

Good Morning Frogs, I know you thought you'd seen the last of me but it seems we have a little more time together on Teams today.  I will look forward to seeing as many of you as I can with you whilst also teaching the Butterflies in school. I have sent you an invite to the meeting and set you some assignments within Teams.  I have also tried to put links to as many things as possible below. I know that you always started your online learning very promptly with Mrs Bellfield and Mrs Lines but just for today we will start at 9.30am to allow me to settle in the children in school and do all their registers and activities.  Whilst you are waiting it would be really good if you could watch the video below before coming into the Teams meeting. 

I have included our Word of the Day and Handwriting PowerPoint  for you  to do whilst you wait though. 

 Word of the Day and Handwriting


  Forms Task also avaliable on Teams 

 Comic Book PDF link below... /docs/Frog_Class_Task.pdf


Lesson 2: Maths: Interpreting Line Graphs: Follow and do this lesson from Oak Academy,


email in work to the class teacher through dojos  or admin@hinstock.shropshire.sch.uk. or even print out and bring it back into school next Monday



Lesson 3: Scandinavian Geography Lesson: Miss Davies-Griffith will be uploading this double lesson.

Hello Frogs! I hope you have all had a great morning.

Just like Owls, you have been exploring Scandinavia in your Geography lessons this term. What can you remember from your previous lessons? 

Where is Scandinavia?

Which countries make up Scandinavia and can you name their capital cities? 


This week you are going to be learning about the human geography of Scandinavia?

But what is human geography?

Read the lesson slide to find out:


Now you have read the lesson slides you need to click on the tasks below to open them and complete them. Make sure you scroll through the tasks.

Task 1: Sort the facts about Scandinavia + Task 2: Answer the questions

Task 3: Create a human geography fact file about a Scandinavian country of your choice.



Submission details:

1. You could print them out and handwrite them to bring back to school next week to stick in your books. 

2. You could handwrite all of your work onto paper.

3. You could type up your work onto either Word or Powerpoint and email to your teachers.


3pm Teams Meeting with Mrs Williams (Headteacher), Can't wait to see you there. We'll talk about any concerns and how you got on with everything during the day, as well as check that everyone is alright for Wednesday!!


Monday the 12th of July 2021

Good morning Frogs,

Lesson 1 - maths with Mrs Lines

This morning, I will be on Teams from 9.15am to 10.15am for a maths lesson about graphs. Please try to be on there. If you can't, please follow the PowerPoint and Minecraft activity sheet attached below.




Lesson 2 - English 

We have been using the Natural Curriculum website in school so I have put an activity about the Darwin's bark spider - very cool! We will focus again on proofreading!

Like we do at school, watch the short video (link below) about the creature and then complete the activity sheet afterwards. I will put the answers on here later for you to check.

You may need a dictionary to help you. 

Video link- https://www.naturalcurriculum.co.uk/year-4-grammar-lessons/proofreading/darwins-bark-spider/screen-1/ 

Activity sheet - /docs/Darwins-bark-spider-proofreading-worksheet__1_.pdf

Lesson 3 - da Vinci continued and PE

You all seemed to enjoy learning about da Vinci in our science lesson - about his inventions and his scientific developments so this afternoon we would like you to focus on da Vinci as an artist. Attached are two worksheets (please choose only one to complete) about two of his most famous pieces - Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.

If you can print off these sheets, it would be easier, but you can always work on your own paper. 

This will also give you an answer about what you noticed about Mona Lisa's eyebrows! 

You could also have another go at writing in reflection, just like him! 




You usually have PE on a Monday afternoon so I have attached a link for a Joe Wicks exercise. We are hoping you may be able to join in with another classes PE lesson via Teams during the week.  



 Thank you Frogs - utterly amazed at your motivation on Friday - keep it going! 




Friday 9th July

Lesson 1 MATHS

(Mrs Lines is on Teams from 9.15am...please join the class using the same details as before)

Prime number lesson - if you cannot join us, please work through the PowerPoint attached


Lesson 2 ENGLISH

Please complete the Ed Sherran reading comprehension activity attached! Please try to complete the ** or even *** challenge



/docs/2_Answers_Ed_Sherran.pdf ***

Lesson 3 PSHE

We usually do PSHE on a Friday afternoon now. For that reason, please have some time for yourselves. I have attached some mindfulness colouring sheets for you to complete, if you wish...football themed! You could also do some reading, writing or complete your homework for next week.



Thank you, Mrs Lines  


Tuesday 6th July


Year 4 Spellingsframe code 116369

Year 5 Spellingsframe code 116370


Tuesday 29th June

Year 4 spellingsframe code 115065

Year 5 spellingsframe code 115064

These will be tested on Tuesday 6th July.

Good luck! 


Parents and Carers,

As a part of your child’s education at Hinstock Primary School, we promote personal wellbeing and development through Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education programme. PSHE education is the curriculum subject that gives children the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live safe, healthy, productive lives and meet their full potential.

I am writing to let you know that over the next five weeks your child’s class will be taking part in a variety of lessons which will focus on:

  • Dental and personal hygiene
  • Healthy sleeping habits
  • Safety in the sun
  • Medicines and antibiotics
  • Relationships and sex education (RSE) – including puberty and the name and function of some external genitalia
  • Personal identity and recognising different qualities in others
  • Keeping safe in different situations

PSHE teaching will take place in a safe learning environment and is underpinned by our school ethos and values.

If you would like to find out more or discuss any concerns, we would urge you to contact us as soon as possible. The first lesson, on Friday the 18th of June, will focus on oral and personal hygiene as well as sun safety. 

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Lines


For the attention of all Year 4 and 5 parents and pupils: Please read the letter attached regarding the Residential Trip to Arthog Activity Centre scheduled to take place in March 2022. At last something to look forward to...............


Homework out 12th of May - due in by the end of 18th of May 2021

Please log onto Purplemash to complete your homework.

Some of you are asked to create a poster to encourage people to join the secret service, and some of you are asked to complete a book review.

Many thanks, Mrs Lines 


Summer Term Theme Letter - /docs/Summer_term_theme_letter.pdf

 Homework out 5th of May - due in by the end of 11th of May

Hi Frogs, I hope you had a lovely three day weekend.

As normal, please log onto Purplemash and complete the tasks. I'm looking forward to reading about a president or a diary from a mad inventor!

Please don't forget about Bookopoly and your Frog tables challenges! 


