Frog Class (Year 3 & 4)
Welcome Back or indeed to the new year in Frog Class.
Mr Rushton - Classteacher
Homework 10.01.25
Homework 15.11.24
Homework 08.11.24
Homework 04.10.24
Place Value Video for Maths
30 Minutes of TTRS (Times Tables Rockstars) Over the week.
Homework Quiz 2
Homework Quiz 1
Here are a few pointers straight away that may help answer any questions you may have.
PE - PE will be on a Monday and Thursdays for the start of the year.
On a Monday children will be going swimming at Market Drayton swimming pool. As it stands I am happy for children to come into school in their proper Hinstock PE kit on these days but this will be under review.
Thursdays will be PE in school with Mr Rushton, children can come to school in their correct PE Kit on these days.
Reading Books - As far as children in Year 4 go there won't be a significant here. Some of the children will change colours but mainly it will follow the same structure as last year. For Year 3 parents the vast majority of the children will be using books mainly from Collins Big Cat and will alternate between fiction and non-fiction. They been in a colour band that is appropriate to both their chronological age and reading age. We will work to assign books to children in Year 3 as quickly as possible and aim to have all children matched to a book by the end of the week.
Spellings - In school we will be using the Babcock No Nonsense Spellings. There will be more details about this coming out through the term but the main things to know is that there won't be a regular weekly spelling list to learn. Instead children will focus on learning about the sounds and spelling rules and use some of these linked words each day in school activities. It may be some spelling quiz questions are set throug the homework mentioned above.
Homework - Relax! There won't be any major homework for the first few weeks (especially children in Year 3)!
The main task will be for the children to log on and save their passwords at home for three significant websites / apps that will for the basis of future homework and learning in school.
1) MS Teams / One Note All children will have a email address and their own unique password. Children/Parents should download the MS Teams / One Note Apps wherever possible and log in with their email and password. This will make accessing the homework in future weeks much easier.
2) TTRS: No suprise to Year 4 children TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars). I can not stress enough the imortance of children developing a secure and rapid recall of multiplication facts. So again logging in and getting going with this is essential. Children in Year 4 should already be well experienced in this and should get going as much as possible to aim for that Rock Hero status!
3) Purple Mash - Children should be experienced in Purple Mash from their time in KS1. Again checking log in details are up to date will help in the future.
Crucial Knowledge - All Crucuial Knowledge will be uploaded here and also to the subject sections within MS Teams and One Note.