Hinstock Primary School

Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School Life at Hinstock Primary School

Autumn 2024


Wednesday: 3.15pm - 4.15pm Activ Sports part of Wrap Around Care

After Half Term 

 Monday Nights - Tag Rugby (After Half Term)


 Wednesday: Activ Sports Dodgeball Club KS2 (After Half Term) 3.15pm - 4.15pm

 DODGEBALL CLUB IS now full if places become avalibale then names Mr Rushton has a list of reserves that will be called up as the places are filled.  


Thursday: Airbourne Gymnastics 3.15pm - 4.15pm

Gymnastics club has also now filled all of the places.  If more places become avaliable then names will be added.  






